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Peculiar Coding Endeavours

Software engineer. Algorithm & data structures nut. On my way to learning AI. Eternal student.

You've come to the right place! At least if blogs, articles, fun little coding projects and so forth are things that spark your particular interest. Most of the stuff you'll find here will be fun little quirky projects, algorithm and datastructure implementations, some dabblings in AI using deep neural nets, convolutional and recurrent neural nets, genetic algorithms, guides regarding fun stuff I encountered in .NET or any other framework, and much more.

These will mainly be in Rust, C# and some Python here and there, or other languages, depending on what suits me at that time. Also, expect some explanation on a Sudoku solver (in fact, you can check that out here), game AI agents, fun projects with computer vision, and whatever else that I think is worth sharing.

Sometimes I'll go deep into implementation details, other times it'll be more high level. In any case: it'll be fun to explore, and hopefully it'll set off a spark in you! I will explain the reasoning behind what I do, and also share code, either using code snippets, links to my GitHub repos or Jupyter notebooks you can just download.

  1. Traveling salesman problem

    The traveling salesman problem is one of those annoying interview questions you sometimes get hurled at you, accompanied by “How would you solve this”? I remember a time when I was a fresh hatchling straight out of college, finding myself in that exact situation. I’ll spare you the details, but I can tell you I didn’t get particularly far 😉 …

  2. A way of life

    Everybody and their grandma probably tried their hand at an implementation of Conway’s Game of Life at some point, in one or the other language. It’s a straightforward and elegant little algorithm that can give you cool looking results, and a nice goal to work towards while learning a language. Drilling plain syntax or frameworks is incredibly boring. When learning any new language, having a concrete goal in mind besides “just learning it”, helps speed the process along and makes it more enjoyable by far. So, while learning Python, I took a swing at it. …

  3. Prime skills?

    I was always charmed by the idea and the practice of algorithm-heavy programming. The heavy lifting, making seemingly complex and daunting tasks run like **** of a shovel. …

  4. How artificial intelligence is transforming software engineering

    Automation of the automation process …

  5. Through the trees...

    Some wise man - Jim Rohn, for the record - once said: “Celebrate your achievements” …

  6. Image classification: MLP vs CNN

    In this article, I will make a short comparison between the use of a standard MLP (multi-layer perceptron, or feed forward network, or vanilla neural network, whatever term or nickname suits your fancy) and a CNN (convolutional neural network) for image recognition using supervised learning. …